






1963年10月生,1983年本科毕业于南京大学化学系,留校任教,2003年6月在南京大学化学化工学院分析化学专业获博士学位;2005年6月至2006年9月加拿大卫生部环境健康中心博士后,2007年1月至2007年3月加拿大卫生部环境健康中心访问学者。2006年聘为教授,2008年聘为博士生导师。现任南京大学现代分析中心副主任、化学化工学院环境与健康分析化学课题组长,兼任国家药典委员会理化分析专业委员会委员、中国化学会色谱专业委员会委员、中国色谱学会常务理事、中国医药生物技术协会药物分析技术分会常务委员、中国仪器仪表协会分析仪器分会样品前处理专业委员会委员暨原子光谱专业委员会委员、高校分析测试中心研究会光谱专业委员会委员、中国毒理学会分析毒理专业委员会会员、江苏省化学化工学会理事、江苏省分析测试协会常务理事兼色谱/质谱专业委员会主任委员暨食品质量分析专业委员会副主任委员,《Curr Anal Chem》副主编、《分析试验室》、《色谱》、《岩矿测试》、《塑料助剂》、《环境监控与预警》编委。主持国家自然科学基金项目6项、参与973项目2项、承担企事业单位委托横向项目多项,获中国分析测试协会科学技术奖一等奖和三等奖各1项、航天科技国际集团(南京大学)科技奖个人三等奖,共发表论文220余篇,其中SCI收录140余篇,获得专利授权8件,起草国际标准1部、国家标准3部。


1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,No. 21874065,基于磁固相萃取的中药注射剂中蛋白质的分离分析及来源追踪,2019/01-2022/12,主持;
2. 江苏省自然科学基金面上项目,No. BK20171335,基于金纳米粒子的核酸适配体亲和杂化整体柱的制备及其在蛋白质分离富集中的应用,2017/07-2020/06,主持;
3. 国家自然科学基金联合重大研究计划培育项目,No. 91643105,中国大气复合污染的成因、健康影响与应对机制—用于大气颗粒物对信号通路影响研究的无损采样及细胞暴露新方法,2017/01-2019/12,主持;
4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,No. 21577057,多功能有机-无机杂化整体柱的制备及其在元素形态分析中的应用,2016/01-2019/12,主持;
5. 江苏省环境监测科研基金,No. 1409,用于水中砷形态分离富集的新型固相材料研制与应用,2014/11-2015/11,主持;
6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,No. 21275069,反相液相色谱中核酸保留行为的研究,2013/01-2016/12,主持;
7. 国家药典委员会《中华人民共和国药典》药品标准提高课题;
8. 横向项目:工业分析、药物分析、环境分析等。


1. Qing-yun Zhu, Ling-yu Zhao, Dong Sheng, Yi-jun Chen, Xin Hu, Hong-zhen Lian*, Li Mao*, Xiao-bing Cui, Speciation analysis of chromium by carboxylic group functionalized mesoporous silica with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, Talanta, 2019, 195, 173-180.
2. Jun-qin Qiao, Chao Liang, Zhen-yu Zhu, Zhao-ming Cao, Wei-juan Zheng, Hong-zhen Lian*, Monolithic alkylsilane column: A promising separation medium for oligonucleotides by ion-pair reversed-phase liquid chromatography, Journal of Chromatography A, 2018, 1569, 168-177.
3. Ling-yu Zhao, Qing-yun Zhu, Xiao-qin Zhang, Yi-jun Chen, Li Mao, Hong-zhen Lian*, Preparation and analytical application of novel thiol-functionalized solid extraction matrices: From mesoporous silica to hybrid monolithic capillary column, Talanta, 2018, 189, 517-526.
4. Chao Liang, Jun-qin Qiao, Hong-zhen Lian*, A novel strategy for retention prediction of nucleic acids with their sequence information in ion-pair reversed phase liquid chromatography, Talanta, 2018, 185, 592-601.
5. Jun-qin Qiao, Zhao-ming Cao, Chao Liang, Hong-juan Chen, Wei-juan Zheng, Hong-zhen Lian*, Study on the polymorphism of G-quadruplexes by reversed-phase HPLC and LC–MS, Journal of Chromatography A, 2018, 1542, 61-71.
6. Chao Liang, Jun-qin Qiao, Hong-zhen Lian*, Determination of reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography based octanol-water partition coefficients for neutral and ionizable compounds: Methodology evaluation, Journal of Chromatography A, 2017, 1528, 25-34.
7. Xing-yu Long, Zi-jin Zhang, Jia-yuan Li, Dong Sheng, Hong-zhen Lian*. Controllable preparation of CuFeMnO4 nanospheres as a novel multifunctional affinity probe for efficient adsorption and selective enrichment low-abundance peptides and phosphopeptides, Analytical Chemistry, 2017, 89, 10446-10453.
8. Xing-yu Long, Zi-jin Zhang, Jia-yuan Li, Dong Sheng, Hong-zhen Lian*, A combination strategy using two novel cerium-based nanocomposite affinity probes for the selective enrichment of mono- and multi-phosphopeptides in mass spectrometric analysis, Chemical Communications, 2017, 53, 4620-4623.
9. Jin-cheng Zhao, Qing-yun Zhu, Ling-yu Zhao, Hong-zhen Lian*, Hong-yuan Chen, Preparation of aptamer based organic-inorganic hybrid monolithic column with gold nanoparticles as intermediary for enrichment of proteins, Analyst, 2016, 141, 4961-4967.
10. Chao Liang, Hong-zhen Lian*, Recent advances in lipophilicity measurement by reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography, TrAC-Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 2015, 68, 28-36.
11. Xing-yu Long, Qun Song, Hong-zhen Lian*, Development of magnetic LuPO4 microspheres for highly selective enrichment and identification of phosphopeptides for MALDI-TOF MS analysis, Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2015, 3, 9330-9339.
12. Wen-jie Zhao, Qun Song, Zi-jin Zhang, Li Mao, Wei-juan Zheng, Xin Hu, Hong-zhen Lian*, The kinetic response of the proteome in A549 cells exposed to ZnSO4 stress, PLoS ONE, 2015, 10, e0133451.
13. Jing Yang, Jia-yuan Li, Jun-qin Qiao, Hong-zhen Lian*, Hong-yuan Chen, Solid phase extraction characteristics of magnetic carbon doped Fe3O4 nanoparticles, Journal of Chromatography A, 2014, 1325, 8-15.
14. Peng Li, Yi-jun Chen, Hong-zhen Lian*, Xin Hu*, A centrifugal microfluidic platform integrating monolithic capillary columns for high-throughput speciation of chromium, Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 2014, 29, 1785-1790.
15. Ting-ting Yang, Lin-feng Zhou, Jun-qin Qiao, Hong-zhen Lian*, Xin Ge, Hong-yuan Chen, Preparation of poly(trimethyl-2-methacroyloxyethylammonium chloride-co-ethylene glycol dimethacrylate) monolith and its application in solid phase microextraction of brominated flame retardants, Journal of Chromatography A, 2013, 1291, 1-9.
16. Wen-sheng Zou, Jing Yang, Ting-ting Yang, Xin Hu, Hong-zhen Lian*, Magnetic-room temperature phosphorescent multifunctional nanocomposites as chemosensor for detection and photo-driven enzyme mimetics for degradation of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2012, 22, 4720-4727.
17. Shu-ying Han, Chao Liang, Jun-qin Qiao, Hong-zhen Lian*, Xin Ge*, Hong-yuan Chen, A novel evaluation method for extrapolated retention factor in determination of n-octanol/water partition coefficient of halogenated organic pollutants by reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography, Analytica Chimica Acta, 2012, 713, 130-135.
18. Lin-feng Zhou, Xu-gan He, Jun-qin Qiao, Hong-zhen Lian*, Xin Ge*, Hong-yuan Chen, A practical interface designed for on-line polymer monolith microextraction: synthesis and application of poly(4-vinylpyridine-co-ethylene glycol dimethacrylate) monolith, Journal of Chromatography A, 2012, 1256, 15-21.
19. Wen-sheng Zou, Dong Sheng, Xin Ge, Jun-qin Qiao, Hong-zhen Lian*, Room-temperature phosphorescence chemosensor and Rayleigh scattering chemodosimeter dual-recognition probe for 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene based on manganese-doped ZnS quantum dots, Analytical Chemistry, 2011, 83, 30–37.
20. Wen-sheng Zou, Jun-qin Qiao, Xin Hu, Xin Ge, Hong-zhen Lian*, Synthesis in aqueous solution and characterisation of a new cobalt-doped ZnS quantum dot as a hybrid ratiometric chemosensor, Analytica Chimica Acta, 2011, 708, 134-140.

