







龙亿涛,博士,南京大学生命分析化学国家重点实验室教授,国家杰出青年基金获得者,教育部长江学者。1989年本科毕业于山东大学,在南京大学获得硕士 (1996年) 、博士 (1998年) 学位。1999-2001年在德国Heidelberg大学进行博士后工作,其后分别在法国国立高等巴黎化学学院 (ENSCP)、加拿大Saskatchewan和Alberta大学、美国加州大学Berkeley分校进行研究工作。2007年回国在华东理工大学建立课题组,研究方向包括纳米孔道单分子分析、单纳米粒子光谱电化学、SIMS电化学、电化学限域界面超灵敏检测和环境污染物现场快速检测等。2019年任南京大学教授。曾任ACS Sensors创刊副主编,现为Chemical Science副主编,Research副主编,《化学学报》,《分析化学》, Theranostics, Microchimica Acta和ChemElectroChem编委。英国皇家化学学会会士 (2013), 英国Bath大学、Birmingham大学 (2014-) 和加拿大Western大学 (2014-) 客座教授。



承担基金委创新研究群体、重大科研仪器研制专项、重点项目和863重大项目等。已发表SCI论文280多篇,包括Nat. Nanotechnol., Nat. Methods., Nat. Commun., Nat. Protoc., J. Am. Chem. Soc., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.等, 获得中国专利34项,PCT专利2项。获上海市自然科学一等奖,中国分析测试协会科学技术特等奖,中国化学会梁树权分析化学基础研究奖。




1.Biological Nanopores: Confined Spaces for Electrochemical Single Molecule Analysis. Cao, C. & Long, Y.-T.* (2018). Acc. Chem. Res., 51(2): 331-341. [A comprehensive summary of my continuous nanopore research over the last decades]

2.Mapping the Sensing Spots of Aerolysin for Single Oligonucleotides Analysis. Cao, C., Li, M.-Y., Cirauqui, N., Wang, Y,-Q., Dal Peraro, M.*, Tian, H. & Long, Y.-T.* (2018). Nat. Commun., 9(1): 2823-2830. [Identified unambiguously the sensing mechanism of aerolysin nanopore]

3.Asymmetric Nanopore Electrode-Based Amplification for Electron-Based Amplification for Electron Transfer Imaging in Live Cells. Ying, Y.-L., Hu, Y.-X., Gao, R., Yu, R.-J., Gu, Z., Lee, L. P. & Long, Y.-T.* (2018). J. Am. Chem. Soc., 140(16): 5385-5392. [Enabled nanopore sensing for the first time with spatial resolution]

4.A 30 nm Nanopore Electrode: Facile Fabrication and Direct Insights into the Intrinsic into the Intrinsic Feature of Singles Nanoparticle Collisions. Gao, R., Ying, Y.-L.*, Li, Y.-J., Hu, Y.-X., Yu, R.-J., Lin, Y. & Long, Y.-T.* (2018). Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 57(4): 1011-1015. [Developed the wireless nanopore electrode]

5.A Time-Resolved Single-Molecular Train Based on Aerolysin Nanopore. Ying, Y.-L., Li, Z.-Y., Hu, Z.-L., Zhang J.-J.*, Meng, F.-N., Cao C., Long, Y.-T.* & Tian H. (2018). CHEM, 4(8): 1893-1901. [Resolved the ‘smallest’ molecular train passing a nanopore]

6.Construction of an Aerolysin Nanopore in a Lipid Bilayer for Single-Oligonucleotide Analysis. Cao, C., Liao, D.-F., Yu, R.-J., Tian, H. & Long, Y.-T.* (2017). Nat. Protoc., 12(9): 1901-1911. [Provided a protocol for the construction of the aerolysin nanopore for biological sensing]

7.Advanced Electroanalytical Chemistry at Nanoelectrodes. Ying, Y.-L., Ding, Z., Zhan, D.-P. & Long, Y.-T.* (2017). Chem. Sci., 8(5): 3338-3348. [A perspective of the past, present and future development of nano-pore and -electrode interface]

8.Discrimination of Oligonucleotides of Different Lengths with a Wild-Type Aerolysin Nanopore. Cao, C., Ying, Y.-L., Hu, Z.-L., Liao, D.-F., Tian, H. & Long, Y.-T.* (2016). Nat. Nanotechnol., 11(8): 713-718. [Discovered the unique sensing ability of the aerolysin nanopore]

9.Color-Coded Imaging of Electrochromic Process at Single Nanoparticle Level. Jing, C., Gu, Z., Xie, T. & Long Y.-T.* (2016). Chem. Sci., 7(8): 5347-5351. [Real-time imaged the single nanoparticle electrocatalysis by Plasmon Resonance Energy Transfer (PRET)]

10.Imaging Electrocatalytic Process on Single Gold Nanorods. Jing, C., Gu, Z. & Long, Y.-T* (2016). Faraday Discuss., 193(1): 371-385. [Developed a dark field microscope to monitor the voltammetry of single nanoparticles electrocatalysis]



联系方式:email: yitaolong@nju.edu.cn

