







应佚伦,南京大学化学化工学院教授(2019年-),南京大学化学和生物医药创新研究院双聘PI(2019年-)。华东理工大学本科,2014年获分析化学博士,期间赴英国伯明翰大学联合培养,2014-2016年在结构可控先进功能材料及其制备教育部重点实验室进行博士后研究,2016-2018年华东理工大学特聘副研究员。获联合国教科文组织“世界最具潜力女科学家”项目(2016年),国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金项目资助(2019年);入选国家青年拔尖人才(2019年),期刊Analyst 2018年度Emerging Investigator;担任中国分析测试协会青年学术委员会委员、Results in Chemistry 期刊编辑、Scientific Reports及Frontiers in Chemistry期刊编委。



承担国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金项目、面上项目、国际合作与交流项目以及国家青年拔尖人才项目等。近五年以第一作者或(共同)通讯作者发表SCI论文30余篇,包括Nat. Commun. Nat. Protoc., J. Am. Chem. Soc., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.等,申请发明专利3项,获2016年联合国教科文组织“世界最具潜力女科学家”项目及2015年中国科协“未来女科学家”项目资助;入选Analyst期刊2018年度Emerging Investigator以及英国皇家化会“Celebrating Excellence in Research: 100 Women of Chemistry”。



1.Ying, Y.-L.*, Li, Y.J., Mei J., Gao, R., Hu, Y.X., Long, Y.-T., Tian, H.(2018). Manipulating and visualizing the dynamic aggregation-induced emission within a confined quartz nanopore. Nature Communications, 9, 3657.   

2.   Gao, R., Lin, Y., Ying, Y. L.*, Hu, Y.X., Xu, S.W., Ruan, L.Q., Yu, R.J., Li, Y.J., Li, H.W., Cui, L.F., Long, Y.-T.(2019). Wireless nanopore electrodes for analysis of single entities. Nature Protocols, 14(7) , 2015-2035.

3.Ying, Y.-L., Long, Y.-T.* (2019). Nanopore-based single-biomolecule interfaces: from information to knowledge. Journal of the American Chemical Society,141(40), 15720-15729

4.Ying, Y.-L., Hu, Y.X., Gao, R., Yu, R.J., Gu, Z., Lee, L.P., Long, Y.-T.* (2018). Asymmetric nanopore electrode-based amplification for electron transfer imaging in live cells. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 140(16), 5385-5392.

5.    Yu, R.J., Ying, Y.-L.*, Gao, R., Long, Y.-T.(2019).Confined nanopipette, sensing: from single molecules, single nanoparticles to single cells. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 58(12), 3706-37158.

6.    Gao, R., Ying, Y.-L.*, Li, Y.J., Hu, Y.X., Yu, R.J., Lin, Y., Long, Y.-T.* (2018). A 30 nm nanopore electrode: facile fabrication and direct insights into the intrinsic feature of single nanoparticle collisions. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 57(4), 1011-1015.

7.Ying, Y.-L., Chao, C., Hu, Y.X., Long, Y.-T.*, (2018). A single biomolecule interface for advancing the sensitivity, selectivity, and accuracy of sensors. National Science Review, 5(4), 450-452.

8.Hu, Z.L., Li, M.Y., Liu,S.C., Ying, Y.-L.*, Long, Y.-T.(2019). A lithium-ion-active aerolysin nanopore for effectively trapping long single-stranded dna. Chemical Science, 10(2), 354-358.

9.Ying, Y. L., Ding, Z., Zhan, D., Long, Y. T. (2017). Advanced electroanalytical chemistry at nanoelectrodes. Chemical science, 8(5), 3338-3348.

10. Hu, Z.L., Li, Z.Y., Ying, Y.-L.*, Zhang, J., Cao, C., Long, Y.-T. and Tian, H. (2018). Real-time and accurate identification of single oligonucleotide photoisomers via an aerolysin nanopore. Analytical Chemistry, 90(7), 4268-4272.



联系方式:email: yilunying@nju.edu.cn

